The Red Carnation Hotels story began when a beautiful young woman called Bea caught the eye of a distinguished young hotelier named Stanley, who was known for wearing a red carnation in his lapel. Almost 35 years later, Beatrice and Stanley Tollman purchased The Chesterfield Hotel in Mayfair. Driven by Beatrice's lifelong affair with the world of hospitality, and celebrating her husband's signature flower, The Red Carnation Hotel Collection came to life.
The hotels are a celebration of their heritage and location, with a unique story to tell - whether that’s through the buildings' fascinating history, unique design, one-of-a-kind experiences, or the memorable characters within the teams.
The hotel design is conceptualized by Beatrice Tollman, along with their daughter Toni Tollman, and no two rooms are the same. Each and every design detail has been carefully considered with the rich history of the hotel building and the comfort of our guests. Expect deep hand-woven carpets, exquisite fabrics, antique or custom-made furnishings, hand-crafted chandeliers, and an art collection that has been curated for over 70 years.
The hotels are proud of their unique locations. In London, neighbors to the royal family, The Milestone Hotel & Residences in London overlooks Kensington Palace and Gardens, whilst Hotel 41 and The Rubens at the Palace are located directly opposite the Royal Mews of Buckingham Palace. The Egerton House is a peaceful boutique townhouse in the heart of Knightsbridge. A quintessentially British hotel, The Chesterfield is located in the heart of Mayfair. A genteel Georgian townhouse in elegant Bloomsbury, The Montague is a peaceful hideaway in the heart of the city. And in Ireland, sitting within the estate of Ashford Castle, The Lodge at Ashford Castle overlooks the magical Lough Corrib. Warm Irish hospitality awaits, with a picturesque lakeside setting, elegant interiors, imaginative cuisine, and attentive personal service, The Lodge is a chic and elegant sanctuary, just outside the charming village of Cong, in the heart of Mayo.
Hotel 41
The Milestone Hotel & Residences
The Rubens at the Palace
The Egerton House Hotel
The Chesterfield Mayfair
The Montague on the Gardens
The Lodge at Ashford Castle, County Mayo